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Digital Editions

In line with our other initiatives under the Digital Ottoman Corpora platform, our digital editions venture aims to publish facsimiles of Ottoman Turkish texts alongside their transcriptions on an open-access platform. Our first work within this project is the digital publication of Ziya Gökalp’s Küçük Mecmua, an Ottoman Turkish periodical originating from Diyarbakır, Turkey, in 1922.
The selection of Küçük Mecmua continues the thematic narrative established in our crowdsourcing project. Küçük Mecmua's utilization of a "Turkified" Ottoman Turkish orthography and vocabulary, as well as its emphasis on Turkish nationalist and folkloric themes, offers a fascinating glimpse into the source materials that inspired early republican intellectuals and Kemalist ideologues.
We have published the digital edition of Küçük Mecmua, now accessible through the Transkribus Site. To facilitate exploration, these resources is accompanied by an interactive index. Through this work, we aim to provide a comprehensive, accessible, and richly detailed resource for scholars, researchers, and the general public alike.

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